First of all, community group buying still relies on the “group leader” rooted in the community. The head of the group forms a user group through personal offline marketing capabilities, and obtains corresponding benefits through the operation of the executive list user group. However, many "heads" come from the operators of individual and private executive list economies in the community, and the user groups are also accumulated by the operators for a long time. They maintain the relationship between the user groups more directly and interact more smoothly.
Second, the Internet awakening of individual and private economies in the community. With the development of Internet social tools executive list and the impact of community group buying, more and more community private economies have been conducting community marketing in community groups to sell goods in physical stores. Except that executive list it is not as convenient as the community group purchase system, the operation mode is almost the same as that of the community group purchase platform. Again, product quality control. The executive list logistics link of the community group buying platform is much more complicated than that of the individual and private economy in the community.
The longer the logistics and circulation links of fresh commodities, the more difficult it is to guarantee the quality of the commodities. The executive list win-win model created by "B2C+O2O" is the future of community group buying Finally, profit margins are limited. Although community group buying platforms rely on centralized procurement to obtain lower cost prices than community individual and private economies, the labor costs and logistics costs executive list of community group buying platforms are higher than those of community individual and private economies, especially in the loss of fresh commodities and commodity prices.